Yesterday marked World Photography Day, so with that in mind, we thought we’d put together some simple tips for taking better photographs of your property when preparing to go to market. Photography is often somewhat of an afterthought, but it can make all the difference in whether someone pursues their interest in your property.


Whilst personal belongings give your home personality, people respond better to a blank canvas. Try to remove as many personal items as possible before taking your photos. This way, people can more easily project their decorative ideas and see your property as their potential home. Decluttering will also make your rooms look bigger, which is always an advantage.

Dress to impress

Dressing (or staging) refers to the act of presenting a room in a way which reflects its possible use. This could be as simple as setting the table for dinner or arranging the desk nicely in your home office. Presenting rooms in this way allows people to imagine themselves performing an activity within the space, increasing the likelihood of them taking an interest in your property.

Maximise natural light

The key to making your photographs look bright is timing. Photograph each room when the sun is in the optimal position for lighting. Do the same when taking pictures of the outside; bright, sunny photographs always attract more attention and are seen more favourably than dull ones. Early in the morning is usually the best time to get exterior shots.

Add extra lighting

Even on a sunny day, there are dark corners in most homes. Turning on the interior lights and possibly even using a lightbox will help to illuminate them and make your property look more appealing.

Use a tripod

Using a tripod will ensure that your photographs are crisp and free from blur. It will also help with keeping your camera straight, avoiding the common annoyance of having wonky photographs.


Using image editing software to sharpen and/or brighten your photos will give them a professional look. However, refrain from using heavy effects; people want to see the property, not your editing ability.

Hire a professional 

If you’re not confident in your ability as a photographer, hire a professional. A professional property photographer may be an extra expense, but they are trained to make your property look as good as possible and will likely be much more experienced than your estate agent. This is especially useful if you are renting the property, as the photographs can be reused each time.

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